“Meditation is not about stopping thoughts but recognising that we are more than our thoughts.”

Meditation is not just about quieting one’s mind - The practice of meditation leads the practitioner through a process of contemplation, uncovering the inner silence that lies beyond thoughts. This practice is superficial when only utilised as a strategy to de-stress. Rather, the Gnostic teachings view meditation as a means of awakening dormant parts of our hidden anatomy and connecting to the deepest parts of our interior - this can only be achieved by practising meditation with the aim of going inward. In doing so, we perceive a reality beyond the physical and connect with the mystery that lies deep within. 

In this 3-week course, we will cover the following topics:

  • Purpose of meditation
  • Eastern vs Western attitudes towards meditation
  • Learning how to meditate - posture and breathing
  • Hidden anatomy linked with meditation 
  • Connecting with the mystery that lies within 

Classes begin with a talk related to the subject of meditation, followed by a guided practice.